About Me
Hello, I am very pleased with your visit to my blog, I will introduce you to myself, I simply love art, and everything related to it, it started in school, especially in art classes, which helped me discover my talent, which aroused my enthusiasm about the matter, and I started to learn more, and I keep complying with all the instructions, and the art teacher was supporting me all the time, preferring my paintings over the rest of the students.
I was at home designing my own stories, and my own magazines, and I always used to design comics myself as well, and I used to draw cartoon characters and anime, and the thing I liked most was Japanese manga. It is true that I did not read a complete manga in my life, except that I used to do I designed manga in my own style, and I used to color it, because I hate monochrome so much! This is the reason why I am unable to read manga.
When I first started learning on computers, I used to draw with the paint program, using the mouse, and even drew colorful manga with my flat laptop mouse, "Now when I try, I don't succeed!" Then Photoshop, manga studio etc., and the turning point was in my learning of animation, using the Alton Boom program, which I still use until now, the first time I designed a scene and its movement, it was unbelievable, I felt that I held the keys to animation, and that I knew all the secrets ! Because of course I felt that it was impossible for a normal person to do it.
I used to spend hours and hours a day, designing cartoon and anime characters, without getting bored, and when watching the final scene, I felt proud, as the mother was proud of her son Haha! Unfortunately, most of them were lost, and what was lost was the best by the way, more than what you saw in my channel, my channel that I opened in 2013, because I did not find any Arabic videos, of people who created cartoons, "I think I am the first", and I was very pleased with the reaction Viewers, knowing that I am not a professional at Elton Boom, I am still an amateur, and every day I learn something new from him.
And now I returned to the world of drawing and animation, after I finished all the boring workloads! For me, there is nothing more beautiful than drawing, animation, and showing everything inside of me through this art.

Art and drawing helped me ignore and overcome all the troubles I faced.
When I first started learning on the computer, I used to draw with my mouse, and even drew colorful mangaes with my flat laptop mouse, "Now when I try, I don't succeed!" Then Photoshop, manga studio, etc., and the turning point was in my learning of animation, using the Ton Boom program, which I still use until now. ! Because, of course, I felt that it was impossible for an ordinary person to do it.
I used to spend hours and hours a day designing cartoon and anime characters, without getting bored, and when I watched the final scene, I felt proud, like a mother's pride for her son Haha! Unfortunately, most of them were lost, and what was lost was the best, by the way, more than what you saw in my channel, which I opened in 2013, because I did not find any Arabic video for people who designed animations, “I think I am the first”, and I was very pleased with the reaction Viewers, knowing that I am not a professional in Ton Boom, and I am still an amateur, and every day I learn something new from it.
And now I'm back in the world of drawing and animation. After you are done with the boring workload! For me, there is nothing more beautiful than drawing, moving, and showing everything inside me through this art.