Hello everyone, in a new and simplified explanation, and this time dedicated to coloring, the lesson of hair coloring in the anime, in a very distinctive and easy way, which is the method I always use and gives impressive results, and the program I used is Clip studio
Download the software used from Here
Coloring and drawing shading lines
The first step is coloring, through which we color the hair in the desired color, then add a new layer and draw the place of the shadows with the pen tool.
We can erase the extra edges in order for the edges to be consistent

Here we bring the fill tool and fill the place of the shadows

Light shading
At this stage we bring the air brush and add a light shading at the shadow area in order to give homogeneity between the hair color and the color of the shadow.

We add a layer or a new layer and choose a light color in order to add lightness or shine at the top of the hair, and on the inner parts and using the regular brush tool we draw successive lines of different lengths.

Dark color
We add another layer, and we choose a color darker than the color of the shadow, in order to add shading at the inner strands of hair.
Always choose places close to the end of the hair coming out and from the first shade, and do not go with it to the natural hair color.

The final touches
In this last stage, we add a layer, choose a light orange color and with an airbrush, we add the color lightly from the top of the hair in order to give a shiny and bright effect.
Then we add another layer, and draw with the pen tool some flying strands outside the hair frame and in an unexaggerated way?
We can add a slight blue light in the inner ends of the hair and some corners and where the dark shade is located in order to break the brown color.

I hope that the explanation is clear and understandable. You can try these steps with all drawing programs, whether on a computer, mobile phone or tablet, and it is not limited to a specific program.
And wait for me with new lessons on my site.