We all like to start writing our stories and convert them into manga so that many people can read them, but there are some simple criteria that we can follow in order to make the process easier for us, sometimes when we start directly without prior planning, we may face difficulty later, especially with regard to the upcoming chapters. Or we forget to add specific details, so I brought you some tricks that will help you in preparing, coordinating and drawing the story.
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First, prepare and organize your ideas :
We can call it pre-production if you will! What we're going to do here is prepare the idea we're going to work on, which is the story. You should write your story on Word or any writing program, or your notebook, and try to take your freedom here, at this stage you are in control of the events of your story, and you can add whatever you want and write all the details with specifying all the manga arcs.
It is expected that it will take you about a week or more, because you will write the whole story, from beginning to end, so there is no need to rush at all, we want the idea to be tight, so that you save a lot on yourself a lot of tiredness later.
It is important to write a summary of the ideas that are going on in your head, and the stories that you think of, and then read and compare them to choose the story that will turn into a manga, and then turn your idea into a short story

Second, prepare the chapters:
After completing writing the manga story, you have to determine the number of chapters or chapters, and the number of pages per chapter, do not copy another manga style at all, because it will tire you too much, and you will leave your comfort zone and you will get a broken manga copied, and cause Yourself fatigue and confusion, but you must determine what is comfortable for you and what fits with your lifestyle and work, it is possible that you will not be able to devote yourself to drawing 20 pages per chapter every period. Then define your own unique style.
Write the chapter titles and quickly distribute the story events to them in sequence, for example:
Chapter 1: The hero finds the jewel, and there he discovers its secret
Chapter Two: A continuation of the first chapter, but with details about the jewel and its power
Chapter Three: Here the villain will appear and happen, or a meeting, and so on ...
Personally, I prefer the small number of pages, for example 4 to 10 pages per capita, this is what I found suitable for the conditions of my life and work.
Then write the script, but not all at once, that is, it is not necessary to write the script of the story from the first chapter to the last, but you can write the script for the second chapter, after you finish the first chapter, but if you feel that you can do it, do not hesitate !
You will proceed to preparing the expected scenes for the events, with dialogue for each scene, and the time in which the events take place, whether it is evening or morning.
Third, start drawing :
Then write the script, but not all at once, that is, it is not necessary to write the script of the story from the first chapter to the last, but you can write the script for the second chapter, after you finish the first chapter , but if you feel that you can do it, do not hesitate!
You will proceed to preparing the expected scenes for the events, with dialogue for each scene, and the time in which the events take place, whether it is evening or morning.

Then we will prepare a sheet or one page and divide it into mini pages, and draw scenes in it according to the scenario itself, and it is important to take into account the number of panels per page, and I advise you not to exceed 6, as the reader will not read a page full of crowded scenes.
Do not forget to take into account the location of the balloon, the "dialogue bubble", and it is important that its place be prominent within the "panel", and if it is found that the dialogue is long on the balloon, you must divide it into two or three balloons, with dividing the scene. Others "with the same dialogue.

When you finish sketching, it is the turn of detailed drawing, with line art "inking". In the inking stage, we are supposed to pay a little attention to the lines and to be consistent with the manga classification, for example the shounen manga may fit the outlines.
Then comes the tunes stage, which is the addition of shading for hair, clothes and backgrounds, especially since the manga is in black and white, so we will not have to tire ourselves in choosing colors, only we will use monochromatic colors to add shades.
And we continue like this page by page until we finish.
رابعاً انشرها للجمهور :
When you finish the first chapter, someone must be reading it, right? So you will now play the role of a publisher, and there are multiple ways to publish your manga, for example if you have a page on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, it will not be difficult, you can use hashtags or popular hashtags for manga, and these are examples: #Mangaart #Mangabyme #Manga #MYManga And many more. The matter is similar on your YouTube channel, you can make a mini video of your manga and publish it without burning, in order to encourage subscribers to read it
Send the manga link to your friends and family in both WhatsApp and Messenger groups, and there are Arab sites dedicated to publishing manga made by Arabs, including Manga Tales
I really hope that the post liked you and gave you an idea of how to design your own manga from scratch, and I will bring more explanations related to chapters and their drawing and coordination, so I hope you stay informed