Welcome to a new post, my dear friends, today our explanation will focus on writing the manga and formatting the page before starting the drawing.
Step 1:
Open your favorite writing program, but as I told you earlier, I love Word.
Then choose the font I want to use in Mangati.

At the top we will write the title of the manga, and below it the chapter number and title. Write your story in every abbreviation, in four or five lines.
We will add another page. We will consider that the first page will be the cover of the manga, and we will write in it the “cover.” As for the next page, we will write the “manga title” in large font, with the chapter number or chapter and its title, and then you will have absolute freedom to add the prescribed pages

Step 2:
Then we add the schedule, and this is very important, my friends, because it will make the task easier for us. "Because he will arrange the appearance for us," and we will divide it into two parts, the right side will contain the places where the events took place, and the left side will contain the dialogue that takes place between the characters.
In the upper right, we write: scenes.
Top left: Dialogues.
And from here we start writing the events of the chapter and for each page a certain number of panels or panels, and it is necessary for each page to have its own number of panels, and when we are done, we go to the other page.

Step 3:
Then we go directly to the scenario, which we will write on the table that we mentioned earlier, and with regard to the schedule, on the side assigned to the viewer, add the following:
The time when the events take place, whether it is in the morning or in the middle of the night.
The location in which the events of the incident take place, is it at home or on the street.
Camera angle, where is the camera located? On the ceiling or near the character's face?
The people who appear in the scene and their number.
In the section containing the dialogue, we will add:
The character that speaks
The words spoken by the character
The quality of the dialogue, is it a shouting or a whisper in the heart, or a normal dialogue?
It is important to remember that each page has a specific number of scenes or paintings, and it depends on you to choose the appropriate number, according to what fits with the sequence of events of the manga story, and the importance of the event that appears.

When writing page scenarios, make sure to include on one page the schedule for the scenes that you will draw, leave the rest of the page blank, move to a new page and add a new table for the new scenes.
And now we move on to the pages that contain nothing but openers.
They are phrases from the hero, in which he says what is going on inside him, or that he addresses the readers in an attempt to convey certain feelings, and it may also be a narration of the story in an artistic way, and its goal is to give a glimpse of the manga to the audience.
Create of the page :
It will be a completely blank page of any graphics or characters, and of one color, such as black or gray, and in the middle of it write the phrases that you have assigned to this page. Note: We can be more than one page, and even within chapter pages.

It is better to put the text in the middle and to write it lengthwise, or on the right or left side.
Choose a completely different font from the font for writing manga dialogue.
The text must be large and clear.
Do not write too much, otherwise it will turn into a short manga story, but keep as short as possible.
This is the order of the pages, at the end of each chapter. "It's up to you to choose the color of the pages."

This is all about the format of the pages that we will devote to writing dialogues and shots of the manga, and later it will be the turn to prepare the manga pages and how to format them in order to prepare for drawing, so you guys will be waiting.