Welcome to a special lesson, in which I will share with you my method for anime hair coloring. I derived this method from drawing and shading the hair of manga characters, and I found that it is useful in colored drawings, and gives amazing results. So, prepare your pen and let’s begin!

Download the software used from Here
Record the drawing program for you. When you finish drawing and painting your character, it is time for the hair. Add a new layer, which will be for the shadow line, and we will use the type of pen that appears to you on the screen, and it is called the G pen.
Top layer: shadow
Bottom layer: color
After adding layer (1), we add a “mask” or mask to the shadow layer (number 2), so that the color does not go outside the scope of the hair. The options are specified for you in the picture below.
We now begin to work by planning from the bottom to push, line by line, and all lines must be close together for anime hair coloring.
Don't make the lines the same thickness, to give it more natural look
Here is a video explanation of anime hair coloring
Now is our first step, and it is time for us to draw in the opposite direction of the shadow, as we found ourselves from the bottom to the bottom, so to the opposite direction, we will draw from the top to the bottom.
In the video, I showed you how to create opposite shadows for anime hair coloring
We fill the entire anime hair with shading, from the bottom place. The shading can be continuous, as in the picture in English, or we can erase some places with the eraser, in order to add a space between the sky and shadow, and this will give more aesthetics to the drawing.
When we reach the place where the head spa is cleared, we will color with the pen in all directions, starting from the middle and moving towards the outside. On the left, there is an illustration that shows you how the line is made from the inside to the
I do not notice here how we started from the center of the head all the way to the outside. This is normal for the hair, and we must take it into account while shading anime hair.
When we get to those closest to the shadow, we have two options: either we leave it as it is, or we add shading to the hair in a gradual manner when selecting it.
Optional step
You can reach the line with some steps, from top to bottom, which will give you more beautiful anime hair.
By the way, both are authentic
Add a new "layer", under the shadow, and we will choose the airbrush, and a color that is two shades lower than the hair color, and color simply, to get a soft light.
The final step now is to add a new layer, above the anime character drawing layer, and draw some hair strands with a pen, lighter and darker brown, in order to penetrate, and there are several vessels for the hair strands that you can connect in all directions, but without a single step.
And this is how the final result of anime hair coloring will look. Easy steps, but effective. Try it and experiment with this method, and you will definitely like it. There will be a lesson soon on coloring long hair. See you. Good luck.