How to draw anime feet in different ways
Today we will learn together how to draw feet or legs, in an anime style, from several different angles, and in a very easy way with steps
And as we know that we face a very great difficulty in drawing legs, especially since they do not appear often in anime and manga scenes, and the reason is that most of the characters wear socks or shoes, and we often lazy in drawing them.
So I decided to add this explanation in order to help you draw feet in an easy and uncomplicated manner
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Drawing :
We first draw the geometric shape of the feet, by drawing a narrow rectangle from the bottom "heel" and wide from the top "toes", and as we notice the shape is divided into two parts.
At the point where the fingers come out, we draw a rectangle on the upper side, and we try to make one of the ends protruding upwards “the place of the big finger.”

The curves :
At this stage, we draw some curves that define the shape of the foot, and the location of the heels
We must not forget to add some bones in the feet

Add fingers:
In the place or rectangle that we allocate for drawing the fingers, we draw the schematic shape of it.

Here all we have to do is just define, highlight the foot more clearly, and connect the lines together in order to make the final shape clear.

After we have completed all the previous steps, we come here for the inking, in black, and as we can see together in the image below, we have drawn the feet or legs and this is the result.

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The result

I hope you have benefited from the simplified explanation of how to draw feet in the anime, and this is the final color image.
Follow this method because it is easy and effective, and practice it constantly, and I will meet you in other lessons.