Preparing manga pages and drawing scenes paintings
Hello all my friends, in an explanation dedicated to manga, today we will learn how to prepare manga pages, and also draw manga panels, in an easy and fast way and in easy steps.
The program used is: Clip studio paint EX, for computers
Download the software used from Here
First of all, we must draw the sketch, of the manga scenes, on one complete page, and each section is a manga page, and draw the next page, near the first page, and so on until we finish the planning.
It does not have to contain all the details, it is enough just to draw the locations of the characters and a quick layout of the background

Software preparation:
We open the program in a new file, and here, as you can see, we choose the manga option, which is what allows us to open the manga settings.
After that, we write the name of the manga, and then we specify the size of the file or paper, which is usually A4, and then we choose the number of pages at the bottom. And we press Ok.

Pages :
Here we are shown all the pages we have chosen, and the first paper dedicated to the cover, the cover of the manga, and I will give him a special lesson.
And below, we find the manga pages arranged

The program used is: Clip studio paint EX, for computers
Download the software used from Here
Sketch :
On the first page, we draw and plan the shapes and sizes of the scenes "Panel", which are the manga scenes, and of course we first address the scenario that we drew, and from there we determine the number of scenes required in one image.

Now we start by choosing the tool that appears on the screen, its name is Frame border, which is responsible for drawing the panels.
we put
The layout layer is at the bottom, and on top of it we use the tool to draw a rectangle.

Split panels :
We choose the Cut frame border tool , which cuts the rectangle for separate scenes.

We repeat the same thing on all pages

Control the panels:
We choose the Operation tool, and with it we can control the edges of the panel, as you can see, four blue points appear for you and through them, we move the scene as we want, to any angle we want

The same applies to the corners of the canvas, through the red dots that enable us to move those corners and tighten them to any point, until we get the size we want for the manga scene.

These are the steps that we must follow, as I explained in the first post, that we have to rely on the script first, and then secondly the sketch and thirdly we apply all the steps in order to draw the manga scenes.

final pages

This is how we have finished preparing the pages by drawing paintings or scenes for each page, and it should be based on the script for your manga.
I hope you will try this easy method, for the manga you are planning, and I will bring more detailed tutorials for the next time.